Will 2021 Finally Be the Year of a Big Climate Tech Boom? Texas Blackouts Show Desperate Need for Infrastructure


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In the new normal of cold snaps, extreme heatwaves, catastrophic wildfires, and “once-in-a-century” weather that now seems to be happening every few years, the devastating blackouts in Texas last week have put into clear view America’s need for weatherized infrastructure that can withstand global warming.

As one source put it bluntly to the Washington Post this week, “without that planning and investment, a hellscape will be upon us.”

Watch as Gaby Herculano and Blaire Palese discuss the new investment opportunities for clean technology and job creation in the years to come at our recent Spark Disruptors conference. This is already happening in Europe and China, which are running laps around the U.S. in green energy job creation. You can watch the entire panel below, as well.

If the Biden Administration is serious about a Green New Deal and tackling climate change, they’ll have to get moving quickly. The next generation of investors and VC is waiting and ready to put their money into green energy.

We’ll be discussing this topic in full on March 23rd at our next Disruptors conference dedicated to this topic, Climate, Technology and the Investor, with speakers including Erin Brokovich, Bill McKibben, and Michael Mann. Register here for free.