Though donating money to causes you believe in is a way to give back, giving your time, and making an effort to know everyone in your community, especially those who share little in common with you, is likely the more effective way to help.
Here, Grammy-winning musician Fantastic Negrito and Onramp Invest CEO Tyrone Ross Jr. discuss with Spark’s Nic Harcourt how to give back in a way that matters and offers a solution at our recent Spark Disruptors event. You can watch the entire 23-minute keynote talk here.
This post is part of “Disruptors 2020 Election Week” on Sparknetwork.com, in which we’re featuring highlights from our recent Spark Disruptors event that touch on Joe Biden’s historic win, its effect on the economy, and what it means for an America that has never been more ideologically divided and hobbled by inequity. Stay tuned for more highlights throughout the month of December.